Friday, April 30, 2010

Iron Man 2: "Get A Roof"

10,000 spoilers ahead.

After contrasting the rave reviews I’ve been staring at on IMDB with my oscillation between various states of boredom, disbelief and “what the fuck?!” in the cinema, I feel that the truth needs to be told:

Don’t let the box office takings fool you. Plot-wise, action-wise, cool-factor-wise, and for just about every reason you’re going to watch this movie, Iron Man 2 is a veritable flop.

It looks as if Jon Favreau thought Michael Bay had the right idea in taking a great film (Iron Man / Transformers), and adding more robots (“Army! Navy! Air Force! ...Marines!” / those annoying motorcycles), eye candy (Scarlet Johansson in an oversized latex suit / Megan Fox’s boobs) and explosions (um..) to make up for an uninspired, sell-out sequel.

Iron Man 2 is very much the revenge of the revenge of the fallen. It appears the writers lacked the guts to try and make the Mandarin believable, and instead settled for a ‘supervillian’ that never existed in Marvel canon: Ivan Vanko is a pirated Whiplash (a woman) crossed over with the Crimson Dynamo (a Soviet badass). As the former he is hardly a threat to mankind; as the latter he is basically the Iron Monger with an electric whip. How terrifyingly original.

Unfortunately, this film, like Stark, lacks a heart. Give credit to the writers for deducing that Vanko’s simplistic need for revenge and bad English lacked enough depth to power a 2-hour blockbuster. They foist upon us another artificial complication – Tony’s arc reactor is killing him! That cool plot catalyst (never mentioned in the comics) introduced in the first movie returns to haunt us in the second one – and not in a good way. Tony’s quest to save himself takes up a good portion of the film – this is a portion filled with irreverent scenes of Stark in a sweaty singlets smelting metal stuff (he builds a large hadron collider), driving fast cars for no apparent reason, and moonlighting as a chemist to discover, drum roll, a new element! How he discovers this, by this point, comes as no surprise to us: his father’s videos hide a message to young Tony, and oh dear, are those atoms I see in these blueprints? Iron Man, meet National Treasure.

This is just the start of the terrible movie flashbacks. Scarlet Johansson, usually the pretty one, seem like a badly reprised middle-aged version of Hit Girl in her role as the Black Widow. Samuel L. Jackson can’t seem to decide whether he’s the cool and controlled Nick Fury or a black guy with an eye patch delivering lectures a la Pulp Fiction. The Avengers references resemble bad product placements. The final battle of the movie appears to be an equally plagiarised mash-up of DragonBall Z and Harry Potter – I half expected a cameo from Lily and James Potter when Iron Man and War Machine decided that the best way to take out a guy without a helmet would be to shoot energy beams at each other and hope for a big explosion.

In the superhero genre, this movie pales in comparison to its suave predecessor. To mention it in the breath as The Dark Knight would be a travesty. In short: what a downer.


Movie theme song: Bad Romance

Best line:

Stark: (30 min after he has left the ‘perimeter’) Weren’t you supposed to prevent me from leaving the perimeter?

SHIELD Agent: ... I was busy doing stuff.

Recommended?: You’re better off ogling Hit Girl.

Monday, April 26, 2010

my IQ dropped by 50 points reading this

Rachel: yes
i saw my friend
me: who is nuggest
2:07 PM Rachel: NUGGEST
i meant
i am retarded

Thursday, April 8, 2010

#six: it's getting hot in here

The weather here has been scorching hot of late, reaching high temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius, which simultaneously reminds me of home and the Saharan Desert (not my home).

Which makes for occasionally awkward situations when you live on the first floor of your college dorm, sleep in a sports bra and find yourself in the middle of a conversation with a guy who's standing outside your window. Which is more inappropriate? To continue lying on your bed, as you were when said guy started conversation, a la Uma Thurman in the Pulp Fiction poster, or to pause the conversation to throw on a top?

In all honesty, this is probably just my Asian sensibilities getting to me. I have seen enough boobies for the semester, given all the well-endowed schoolmates of mine who have been sunbathing in the Quad.

Anyway, what I wanted to talk about was DONATING EGGS. The kind that can be fertilized, not scrambled. My professor was talking about morally repugnant actions; this fell into that category.

On a related note, I saw an ad in the college newspaper offering $10,000+ for the eggs of an Asian college student in the age range of 18-25. I totally qualify, and I totally need the money. My friends, however, were aghast, mostly because they could not reconcile the fact that sometime in the future, I might have little Rachels running around who may never know who their (real) mother is.

I maintain that the pros outweigh the cons (that in fact, cons are simply a semi-prudish reaction).

  1. Pays well. Asian girls get $10,000, and apparently if you're a supermodel and got a really high SAT score, you can get as high as $25,000.
  2. You can take the moral high ground here. You help mothers who may otherwise never get the chance to fulfill their maternal wishes. And more interestingly...
  3. You get to see what the different combinations your future offspring could take, without getting fat (multiple pregnancies) and awful social stigma (basically having sex with a million men).
Note: obviously this is not for everyone. Apart from the fact that you have to be healthy and STD-free, THIS PROCEDURE REQUIRES SURGERY and will probably actually make you gain weight with hormone pills. Just so you know.