the set in itself was a technical masterpiece, light-work gave the entire beijing olympics team a run for their money, setlist was perfect.
matt bellamy is sex on two legs and an extendable guitar riff. at times, the songs all sounded kinda similar as one blended into another. but muse came, saw and conquered.
penultimate song was my favourite: time is running out (currently my theme song as i procrastinate on my beastly philosophy paper) was what got me hooked on muse in the first place. yelled myself hoarse on that one. other crowd pleasers included resistance, plug-in-baby, new born. united states of eurasia does not sound any better played live, though in-person i feel the Queen reference more than other, and i still fail to appreciate the apparent symphonic masterpiece that is exogenesis (overture).
who: muse, brit band with glam-rock, indie, electric influences.
what: uprising, resistance, new born, map of the problematique, supermassive black hole, guiding light, interlude, hysteria, nishe, united states of eurasia, feeling good, helsinki jam, undisclosed desires, starght, plug-in baby, time is running out, unnatural selection. encore: exogenesis, stockholm syndrome, knights of cydonia.
when: wachovia center, philadelphia pa, 2 mar.
you'd like them if: you're winston smith from 1984, love freedom-fighter lyrics or Queen. or if you, like me, want to have matt bellamy's amazingly gifted babies.
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