Tuesday, March 30, 2010

#five: food i would serve at my wedding

Anybody who tracks my Internet activity here in the States (ah, this sounds so delectably dubious) would know that I have been obsessively stalking wedding blogs (Ed's Note: nobody tracks Rachel's Internet activity). 100 Layer Cake is arguably one of my favourites. While most of the blogs center around awesome DIY tips (to make your wedding special, personalized and most importantly, low-on-cost), I will create my own wedding-themed post which has nothing to do about keeping your wedding affordable.

(You know how Chinese weddings always serve the same damn thing: that starter platter, shark's fin soup, tiger shrimp and oats, kailan and oyster sauce, steamed fish, noodles at the end (WHY?!), longan and almond jelly if you're lucky, red bean soup if you're not. For a typical Chinese wedding menu and its symbolism, click here.)

INSTEAD, here's my dream food list to be served at my wedding (can't decide if I want to hold it in a hotel or some exotic garden, but that will be reserved for another post).

1. A selection of gourmet soups, served in three tiny bowls (like sample servings!)
French Onion, Wild Mushroom and Tomato substitutable for Buddha Jump Over the Wall, or Shark's Fin, for the elderly, if they insist on being savage creatures

2. A Really Expensive Appetizer

3. The (Peking) Duck Replacement (not that I don't love Peking duck, it's just that I prefer this)
Confit de Canard... A quick Google search reveals that confit de canard is just preserved duck, but the one that they serve at La Petit Cuisine comes with some kickass tangy sauce which I like. Peking Duck option available to my notoriously variety-favouring self.

4. An Aphrodisiac in Advance
A very weird fusion of East and West: Singaporean hawker-style oyster omelette (with extra spicy chili sauce) served alongside freshly chucked (insert cool ocean here) live oysters. And Tabasco sauce. With lots of lemon slices.

5. Virgin Meat
Suckling pig is served as a symbol of virginity. How a dead pig is supposed to represent purity, I don't know, but the potential groom insists on serving Sweet and Sour Pork for the wedding dinner, which I personally hate for its inconsistent flavour. So I guess I'll make use of this part of the meal to camwhore when the wedding comes.

6. Don't Be Crabby! Stay Together!
Authentic Singaporean chili crab, mantou (fried dough buns), and lots and lots of crab roe!

7. Noah's Ark (or All the Other Seafood Together)
Sashimi, live drunken prawns, and fried Soon Hock for the potential mother-in-law

8. Cows
Wagyu beef or beef tenderloin with gorgonzola sauce

9. Choice of Carbs
California temaki, yam woon sen (only like my favourite Thai dish in the world), squid ink pasta or bak chor mee (his choice)

10. Perfect Ten Dessert!!
Platter of panna cotta and strawberry compote, hazelnut and dark chocolate cake, lemon tart (from Jones the Grocer), with a scoop of Haagen Daaz's Macademia Nut Brittle!!!

NB. All dishes will come with optional servings of mayonaise (his taste-bud-ically challenged choice) and djion mustard (hers).

Naturally this list needs revision but I'll worry about that when the time comes.

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